About us

The Law for Growth Forum merges the potential of a think-tank with a public affairs agency. The objective of the Forum is to initiate law changes that will benefit the interests of the nation, spur economic growth, and serve the common good of all citizens. With the assistance of a wide range of stakeholders we strive to formulate constructive and realistic recommendations. We collaborate with decision-makers, public institutions and communities, working for the development of Poland stemming from various country regions and various ideological traditions. So far we’ve organized three editions of the #L4G congress in Katowice in 2015, Falenty near Warszawa in 2016, and Kraków in 2018, resulting in the integration of expert networks and introducing propositions for legal changes.

We organize legislative workshops for a range of industry branches, among others in pharmaceutical and financial markets. We strive to implement those recommendations into the legal system by supporting policy makers in formulating political programs and legislation initiatives. Several postulates from the White Book published and passed over to the President of Poland in 2015 were fulfilled by the government and the parliament. Our reports and policy papers are available in this page.

Our offer

The Law for Growth Forum provides substantive and communication support in the processes of decision making, legislation and for public debate purposes. We support our clients in effective presentation of their positions in relations with political dissidents, media, and public administration. Our methods are tailor-made depending on the specific needs of a given project.

We offer a broad range of expert analysis on subjects requested by our clients. By applying the appropriate method with the use of quantitative data and considering qualitative factors, we are not only able to effectively explain the social reality, but also formulate recommendations of law changes. We present our research reports at press briefings, expert debates, or industry conferences which involve the participation of journalists, decision makers, and various stakeholders. We utilize the experiences of our experts in the parliamentary and governmental legislative process, offering organization of legislative workshops creating the basis for future legislation improvements.

Through these instruments we offer public affairs services, merging substantive knowledge with relationships with political dissidents and their expert backgrounds. We focus on delivering our prepared message to decision making centers. We participate in meetings and industry conferences taking advantage of every opportunity to build informal connections and present the positions of our clients.


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